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May 17th 2011 ~~ Lineage is shutting down....

May 16, 2011

                   ~~ NC Soft ~~ It's an official Announcement:
~~ NC Soft will be shutting down the "North American" servers on June 29th, 2011~~ 
     I for one, am sad to see this happening, but although it has come to this point in time for them to do so, it's not
as if we hadn't forseen it to happen in due course, due to the fact that many of the Merchandisers stopped carrying the product known as 'Lineage," over a year ago.
   I have tried finding a copy to purchase both locally and online over the last 5 months, and all those merchandise store magnets told me that there just hasn't been enough interest in the products to keep them held in stock either on local shelves and/or in the 'online store inventories.'   -.-
  I started playing Lineage back in the fall of 2001, and didn't try another online game till after 2008, and then I found that there was many more online games available that your characters didnt take years to gain massive levels, and there were more mmorpgs to choose from that didn't charge money to...

Tags: ancientimmorals, ancients, ancientsalliance, ancientz, ffxi, ifrit_server, ifritroyalguardians, ladycrystael, lc, lineage, saphyrkat

Posted at: 11:32 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Update as of Friday, Oct.8th, 2010

October 8, 2010

 Hello to all my past and current readers :)

 It's been a long year and has had its share of ups and downs for this family.

 Finally got rid of the windfall property, emphasis on 'rid of.' Cause frankly after paying the closing costs on it, all of them cause the buyer refused to pay his share, we basically gave it to them. eer.

 Which also means we had no extra money to do what I really needed to do at my home.

The repairs to the roof got put on hold, cause didnt have the $8,500 that was required to get the work done. And they wanted $4000 up front.  The insurance company paid their 1/2 basically, but not enough to get the job completely unless I can get a grant to pay the rest with....I see another winter with a hole in my roof. :(

 Too bad that group 'Extreme Make Over Home Edition' persons' on tv don't help those that really could use the assistance. I've tried to make sure we have had everything we need to get by, but when SSI-D doesnt give you enough to take care of your basic needs, then you have...


Tags: disability, extrememakeoverhomeedition, freeamerica, govt_agency_rant, october8th2010, saphyrkat, xanaduccgs

Posted at: 10:15 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Paranormal Activity & the Supernatural

October 6, 2009

               "Paranormal Activities & the Supernatural"

"Paranormal activities and the Supernatural are they the same?

Paranormal and the Supernatural are in reference to the same thing, in most cultures.

  How many watch the tv series "Ghost Hunters" &/or "T.A.P.S." ?

 Paranormal is the study and research of Ghost/Spirits &/or Apparitions as they are defined to be referred to.

Supernatural beings are defined as: UFO's &/or the Unknown beings not of this world.

 The point i'm getting at here, is I never realised just how many organizations were listed on the net that dwelve into this type of phenomon* (or rather this subject.)

 When I was growing up, I was always told dont tell anyone you got the gift of being 'psychic' cause they will lock you up for being nuts, etc.

 Then I was enlightened by a few vp's that said otherwise, and so although my mother wouldnt let me tell the world that I had this gift, out of fear that i would become a human guinne* pig....but she and a few friends all accepted that I was infact 'different,' because of this unusual gift.'

 At the age of 9yrs old I was asked to visit with a...


Tags: midwestsupernatural, paranormal, psychic, supernatural, witchcraft

Posted at: 02:15 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

My cat-companion 'Sephy' passed away yesterday....

November 18, 2008

My cat "Sephy" died yesterday.
 We think he had a stroke.
he was only 4 yrs old.
We had him fixed/nuetered about a month ago,
cause we didnt want anymore inbred kittens out of his dame,
of which we also had spayed at the same time.
 She doesnt seem to be affected with any illness over it,
but he's been ill off and on for the 1st week after he came home
from the operation and then within the last couple weeks as well.
 He's been hacking/coughing, and then yesterday we found him limp
 in the living room chair.
 What gets me is he was fine at 8:30am when i went to lay down.
Then when we found him at 4pm , he was in that state.
 We managed to get some anti-biotic, water, and a bit of wet food
down him, within the next 2hrs.  He was responsive,
with eye,ear,nose and tounge movement and he was swollowing
the water he drank, you could hear him swollowing it.
 Then i left for about 10mins and when i returned he was gone.
 Just cant figure out how something could attack his defensive system
 within or less than 8hrs to do that?...


Tags: cat_illnesses, cat_stroke, cats, sephy, syptoms_following_a_neutered_operation, tonkinese, znightbirdz

Posted at: 08:51 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


September 16, 2008


Tidbits of info regarding the band named: JOURNEY

1. Journey was created by 2 members from the band 'Santana,' "Neil Shon and Greg Rollie."

2. Posted by a fan of the band they stated this recently:

 When Steve Perry joined the band, that was it. No singer can or could ever replace
Steve Perry. Without SP, Journey isn't Journey.

He also feels that this band is at the end of its journey, because they have added a new vocalist, "Arnel."

Well I dont feel the music will ever die, but I can see where this is going....the original group is as old as me, and some fans feel that it isnt right to add new talent to an old group.  The voice is different, and maybe 'Arnel' doesnt do the moves that SP did, but its not like he's suppose to act and re-act like SP.  'Arnel' is his own person, so he'll do his best on the stage for the group...and from what i can see, he's doing a fine job at it so far!

All i can say to that dis-illusioned fan is this: Patience fair one, for thou "Arnel' is only human! 

In time 'Arnel'...


Tags: greg_rollie, journey, neil_shon, revelations, rock_music, santana, singer_arnel, wichita_falls_baptist_church_choir, wichita_falls_texas

Posted at: 11:43 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Just a little annoyed at BBC

September 16, 2008

 Hihi all,

 If ya been following my front page stories thru out the year, you'll have noticed the previous post story regarding the last episode of Doctor Who #10, and episode 413.

 Well It upset me a tad bit, but its understandable as it completely shocked everyone in this household as well, as to the final ending of it.

So since then, Ive set aside the newer vid's of Doctor Who series and started watching the older ones instead to pass some time and to refamiliarize with those that were apart of the Doctor Who #4 series again.   Definately refreshing compared to the depressing ones with no.10 in them.  Not saying that its all D.T.'s fault, he didnt write the script, its those writers for BBC, they destroyed their own show with lousy timing and removing a key character that the fans ALL liked alot, twice.  Frown  Just dunno what made them do that, do you?? (shakes head in disbelief.)

Poor 'Rose', the character....if I had ,had been forced into that arrangement someone would have had a few knots applied to his head, ha.Tongue out

But if theres a reason for that ending, and they do bring her (Billie Piper/Rose Tyler)...


Tags: billie_piper, david_tennant, doctor_who,, johnny_depp, pirates_of_the_caribbean, rose, tom_baker

Posted at: 11:11 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Indiana Property For Sale

July 18, 2008

~~I put my old home place up on the market for sale.~~

Its located in:  Windfall, Indiana.

See the page titled:  "Windfall Property 4-Sale"

There's more details shown there than I'm placing in this posting.

~~Please, Serious inquires only!~~

If you're interested or know someone else that may be interested, have them contact me at this email address, with "Windfall Property" in the subject line:

Thanks a bunch!


Tags: july18th2008, property4sale, windfall_indiana, xanaduccgs

Posted at: 08:29 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Changes to this website as of 6/18/08

June 18, 2008

Notice*  Xanaduccgs site has just been restored to it's former use."

What this means is: I am in the process of re-using it for what I originally created it display all my artwork onto it.  I dont have all my "Ceramic and Jewelry" photos available to post onto it immediately, but it will be finished within the next few months. I am hopeful that I can get this site up and running by September 2008; prior to the holiday season's.

I know you got questions....

Q. What happened to all the Lineage game maps I used to have on this site?

A. I have relocated them ALL to my blog at this link:

I apologise for the inconvience this may cause on all that used to use them here, but I just cant maintain ALL the many blogs and mini-websites that I used to have thru-out the years, so some of them had to go.  Since this one has my original business name, I opted out to save it, and re-use it for its original intentions.

Please make use of the blog that I have relocated them for your viewing pleasure.

peace be to all of thee,



Tags: ancientz, ceramics, dragon_incense_burners, ladycrystael, lineage, xanaduccgs

Posted at: 10:27 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Doctor Who Series 4 Scheduled Episodes thus far....

June 14, 2008

                        ~~Doctor Who Series #4, Episodes #407-413.~~ 

starring: David Tennant and Catherine Tate, & eventually Billie in there somewhere, or rather we hope she is Smile

For all of you that dont know which episodes are about to be shown on Sci-Fi channel during June and July, here's the list:

Episode #407, The Unicorn and the Wasp, was shown last night on June 13th, 2008.

Episode #408, Silence in the Library, is to be shown on Friday, June 20th, 2008

Episode #409, Forest of the Dead, is to be shown on Friday, June 27th, 2008

Episode #410, Midnight, should follow suit on Friday, July 4th, 2008 (unless Sci-Fi channel changes it's lineup.)

Episode #411, Turn Left, w/David Tennant, Catherine Tate, & Billie Piper, (should air on July 11th, 2008, unless otherwise changed.)

Episode #412, (T.B.A.) Wonder why they dont have a title for that one?  Guess we'll have to wait and find out, ha.

Episode #413, Journey's End.  ( I dont have anymore information on this last episode yet.)

Tags: billie_piper, catherine_tate, david_tennant, doctor_who, doctor_who_series4

Posted at: 09:35 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Player of the Year for 2007....

June 14, 2008

Player of the year for 2007 in Lineage was:

Lands Of Aden: Knight, male, L3g3nd

 Congratx to L3g3nd Smile

Posted at: 09:33 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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