~~Saphyrkat & Ancientz Activities~~
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This is: "LC aka Saphyrkat" w/o makeup.

.Hi, this is a photo of the real me  --------->>

Ken Rauhel server of Lineage I:

"LadyCrystael"......princess....cha, lvl 50.08* %
"RelicHunter"........lady elf....con/dex., lvl 48.85%
"ZNightBirdZ".....lady sorceress...wis/int/str, lvl 47.28%

Lands of Aden  Server of Lineage I:
"RelicHunterX".......lady elf...con/dex. Lvl 37
"ShaKirra".........Princess....str/con, PiratesDen

Depardieu Server of Lineage I:
"LadyC" .....Princess...str.                                                                                                                                     "SaphyrKat" .... Princess... str/con.....AncientKatz....Lvl 12. <this is a non-recruit pledge char.>

Lineage II.......Bartz Server:

ShaKirra........human lady mage~&~NekuYasha...lady dwarf

RelicHunter........lady elf~&~Shalimar.....lady mage

DAoC/Dark Age of Camelot....Hibernia

Relichunterz of Lin1......Human, Ranger ~&~Nightbirdz.......Human, Summoner

Shakirra....................Human, Sorcerer*

FFXI....Ifrit server, 8 characters, 3 regions: 

~~~Main chars used for leveling & Crafting skillz~~~

Saphyrkat.......Lady Mithra, Bastok, Lvl 43WAR,36RDM,23NIN,12WHM,.....Skillz: Cooking Lvl 92.70%;

Also: Alchemy 11, Clothcrafting 4, Goldsmithing 5, Leathercrafting 4, Smithing 4, & Woodworking skillz 10.

Nightskybird....Lady Tarutaru, Windurst, Lvl 25, WHM/15BLM.....Skillz: Cooking 25, Fishing 1, Gardening, & Woodworking.

Relichunter......Lady Hume, Bastok, Lvl 25WAR/18 Thief.......Skillz: Fishing 5, Goldsmithing 3, Gardening, & Smithing 1.

~~Storage chars for pacific items~~

Skyraven........Lady Elvann, San d' Oria, Lvl 8 RDM.......Storage & marketing char.

Tigressa.........Lady Mithra, Windurst, Lvl 10RDM..........Storage/Overflow for Kat's food ingredients.

Galaxykat......Lady Mithra, Windurst, Lvl 7Thief..........Storage/wood & cloth mats.

After the server merger of Ifrit to Odin, a few of us had to rename our toons there, so:

My Original "Bandita is now 'Bandeta &  Nightbirdz is now 'Bandera."  effective May 12th,2011.

Bandita..........Lady Tarutaru, Windurst, Lvl 10Thief.......Storage Overflow for kat's food items.

Nightbirdz....Lady Tarutaru,Windurst, lv 12BLM....Storage for finished food items.. 

Note* Not everyone has this many characters per game-account, but to be a good crafter, I found I had to create more than just my 3-main characters, so I would have extra storage space for saved mats, ie: materials. (It's a pain to have storage materials stored on main leveling chars, so I had to have chars for just 'storage use.'  The good thing is SEI only charges  one-dollar per extra character a month. (So instead of 12.95 a month, i'm now paying 19.95 a month.) Eventually I intend to delete at least 2 of my 'storage chars, after " Nightskybird" gets her cooking skillz up to level 30/Novice rank. 

FFXI has its good points and problemistic points, but overall, at least I dont seem to be as bored playing this one in my off hours of lineage. If ya start playing on FFXI, i'm on the Ifrit server. The linkshell group name is: IfritRoyalGuardian.

~~Note*  Lineage was my 1st MMORPG, now FFXI is my 2nd MMORPG.  "Effective June 29th, 2011, I will have transferred all of once was my game life on Lineage/Ken Rauhel & LoA servers to FFXI/Odin server. " 

"About me"

I'm a "artist/crafts-person" by trade, and
(I used to do photo-editing work, but since I've become physically disabled to go outside of the home to work;      I havent done any of that type in a long while...but it doesnt mean I dont remember how.)  Wink
I was raised up in both the city and the country.
I love the outdoors, animals, "Horses and Whales,are a major interest."
I have written published works of poetry and song lyrics in the past.
I still write some poetry when the mood comes along.
And with all that, I still find time to play 'Lineage 1 & FFXI' with my '3 adult children' that also plays the same MMORPG's, and work on a website or 2, for both the game & my own artwork.

 Other details of me:  Single Mom, 57 yrs old; (separated permanately from spouse, ie: he moved out of state about 8 yrs ago....so I would call that a permanate separation; haven't filed a divorce yet, but intend to when i have the money to do so.) Since he left, my kids is what came to my rescue and helped me to get by, otherwise i dunno what may have happened if they hadnt, since Indiana agencies dragged their feet and it took them another 4yrs just to grant me $600 a month income,then another yr to help with food, Thanks to  Walmart and their medincine discount program, it helps me get 90% of the meds I use cheaper. 

Questions you may have for me: Am I looking for another partner at this time?

I gave up on those online dating sites, so if there's someone out there for me, then he can get ahold of me the normal way.  Besides that, some of my worries is trying to find someone that will and can accept that one of my hobbies is joining my kids and friends online in a mmorpg.  Its been my link to the outside world for 10yrs and would be hard to give up. 

My expections: 1. For my ceramic & craft's business to bloom, 2. This family to survive this depression, and just maybe be able to take a well needed vacation from everyday pressures here at home.

Some dream of winning the lottery, well I dont play the lotto...but I enter a few contests on line, with the idea that maybe one of them will be a winner and that someday that will happen while I'm still alive to enjoy it with my kids.  Cool 

If ya have any other inquiries for me &/or about these MMORPG's that Ive played in, just drop me a line at the email listed for ANCIENTZ.

'be well and merry be' Smile

JC  ~^.^~

When & Why did I start playing the game of Lineage
Date: February 2002
Why: Because my son (ChiChire,wizard on the ken rauhel server;) got me interested in the game, back in September 2001, after he recieved a copy of the CD in a magazine.
"It's all his fault"....lol.
If he hadn't had me watch his char on several occasions (while he went afk,) told me dont worry...if a mop comes near, just point and click.
Then I got to talking to players in the game..so here I am playing on the game known as Lineage and love it!! :)
take care all!


This page updated on: Friday, Oct. 8th,2010@11:25 Pm
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